The best fashion statement nowadays- A fit, healthy body but what a sarcasm ,we rarely find any around us.
So the demand for the hour is to get acquainted with hygienic . Good personal hygiene is essential in reducing the risk of infection from pathogenic microorganisms by limiting person-to-person contamination. It is true that we all know that health is wealth but a matter of regret is we don’t realize it. Every day it is taught in classes but nobody follows it. If you want to promote and.

Oral hygiene is utmost important- Removes plaque and prevents you from bleeding gums and gingivitis.
We must bathe daily-Bathing drains out the germs and prevents you from infections.
Trim your nails- Keeping your finger and toenails trimmed prevent from nails related problems such as infected nail beds.
Remember Laughter is brightest where food is best so eat a balanced and nutritional diet- A wholesome diet full of fruits, vegetables and whole grains protect from ailments and infections.
Sanitize your hands-Use sanitizer as it helps in making your hands germ free and stops germs from entering your body.